Thursday 15 October 2009

-Rosamond Higgins, the artist-

This is Rosamond Higgins. Lauren and I met Rosamond in Lyme Regis. Lyme Regis is a small coastal town in Dorset and it seems to be full of artist, writers and poets. It's a wicked place to visit. Anyway, Rosamond is a warm, interesting character who seemed as colourful as her paintings, the type of person you could listen to for hours. Her studio and gallery was a small room above her partners furniture shop. It was a small, light room with one window that overlooked the sea. I could't miss the opportunity for a portrait so here it is....


  1. I just met Rosamund last weekend in the same way & place, and was intrigued to know more, she was indeed such an interesting Lady. We both share a love of Textile design... & were able to chat easily, & I left the studio feeling like I had met someone quite special!
    I must look her up again and will definitely pay a visit to their Air St gallery!

  2. hi i met rosamond yesterday what an amazing artist her work is divine
