Wednesday, 28 January 2009

-Selling my 24-85mm 2.8 lens-

Its been good to me this lens but now its time for it to go. I want to buy some prime lenses, the Nikon 85mm 1.4 and 28mm 1.4 to be exact. They are not cheap lenses!! So this old girl is now for sale on ebay here to help me pay for them.

Sunday, 25 January 2009


I haven't been blogging for a while, I have been sooo busy trying to sort out my new website and other stuff for this year, nothing but big things!! I will be posting up some new photos soon.

Sunday, 11 January 2009

-Nicola & Jack-

Here are a few photographs of Nicola and Jack. I went to Hastings, east Sussex to take a few portraits for them. Hastings has loads of places to take pictures, I could be there all day snapping away, unfourtnately I wasn't! We had no light outside but we found a charming little cafe that was deserted, great for photographs. It was warm, the light was good and I liked the decor. I loved taking these photographs, I hope you enjoy looking at them.

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

-Back from Brighton-

Hey, I have just got back from Brighton. It was a nice break away to give me a bit of time to get over the madness of Christmas, and to give myself some time to think about the year ahead, my plans and dreams. It was a tad chilly to say the least, but shopping there is great, I got some great bargains in the sales, result! I'm now ready to take on the new year, so bring it on!!